This remarkable set of celestial maps were
engraved in 1820 England by A. Jamieson.
In a collection of 30 prints, Jamieson meticulously redrew and updated the celestial
atlases produced
by Bode and Flamstead, adjusting charts and updating the data and positions
of some of the stars.
The result was an opus not readily accepted by the powers-that-be on the basis
of it being 'different'
than the works of the masters. But having said that, Jamieson dedicated years
to the production of
this work for the purposes of , firstly, to promote the mythology and art that
was handed down and
secondly, to render the science of these charts more accurate than the former.
These prints are largely in perfect condition and being early pulls
from the plates, the finest lines are well articulated.
All are sold for C$ 275 unmounted and the paper size is approx. 9-1/2" x11-1/4".